Happy Birthday to me!

22 04 2008

My birthday was on Saturday. We had a crazy awesome, REAL bbq. We bought about 160 cans of pbr (cause out here, cans are cheaper than kegs for some stupid reason) and made 15 lbs of pork shoulder slow smoked over charcoal and 10 lbs of brisket (done in the oven for lack of room on the grill), about 30 ears of corn, 30 twice baked potatoes, guacomole with 20 avocados or something ridiculous, a huge bowl of salsa, and 30 cupcakes. Everything but the meat was made by the wonderful wife!

Thank you to Bryan, Tony, and Colin for my two new friends JD Single Barrel and EW Single Barrel, and for bringing an old friend, KC! You can clearly see which one was opened on Saturday…